Proceedings for ICRC2003
Proceedings submission has been closed.

Proceedings submission and the reservation of hardcopy of proceedings are available from the online registration, Hotel reservation and Proceeding submission page (JTB).
  The deadline for proceedings submission is May 16, 2003.  Please note that submissions after the deadline will not be accepted because the editing process will start just after the deadline.

How to prepare your manuscript

Your proceedings paper should be formatted by the LaTeX system in accordance with the ICRC2003 style guideline specified by a style file prepared by ICRC2003 LOC. The formatted manuscript must be within four pages. For submission, we require to send a SINGLE archive file which contains following files:
  1. A LaTeX Source text file named with your ID and paper number (e.g. 001234-1.tex if your ID is 001234 and abstract sequential number is 1) created using the style file specialized for ICRC2003 proceedings: [Note that we accept only LaTeX files using this style as it is. If you need other format, please contact LOC to the e-mail address shown at the bottom of this page. Please note that the deadline for proceedings submission using other format is May 16, 2003.]
  2. EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) or PS (PostScript) figure(s) if any (e.g. figure1.eps) [See the sample source to see how to include figures in your paper.]
  3. A PDF (Portable Document Format) file generated by the LaTeX source and figures (e.g. 001234-1.pdf) [We need a PDF file in order to ensure the final image of your proceedings paper looks like what you expect.]

These files must be archived to a single file for submission in gzipped tar, ZIP, LZH or SIT format (see "Tips" below).

Here is an example session of preparing an archive file on UNIX-based systems:

# vi 001234-1.tex [edit a LaTeX source file]
# convert figure.gif figure.eps [convert a GIF graphic file to EPS]
# latex 001234-1 [compile the source to get a DVI file]
# dvipdfm 001234-1 [convert the DVI file to PDF]
# ls
  001234-1.tex 001234-1.pdf figure.eps tsukuba.sty
# tar cvfz 001234-1.tgz 001234-1.tex figure.eps 001234-1.pdf [make an archive]
Then 001234-1.tgz is the archive file to be uploaded.

About the style file

The sample file shown above itself is an instruction of using the style file "tsukuba.sty" [icrc2003.pdf ]. Here are the same instruction document in other formats for your convenience of viewing: [ HTML , Gzipped PostScript , GIF images (page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4) , Source in gzipped tar ("icrc2003.tar.gz") ]

Tips for LaTeX typesetting, PDF generation and archiving

How to submit your manuscript

  1. Your manuscript should be ready for uploading. It should be a SINGLE file in a compressed archive format.
  2. Please visit your individual page, login with your ID and password and click on the 'proceedings' tab.
  3. Please click the 'REVISE' (not 'SUBMIT') button next to each abstract number.
  4. When the next web page appears, please read the detailed instruction by clicking the 'PROCEDURE PAGE' button at the top of the page.
  5. Please check the required information of the presenter(s) on the submission pages, and update them if necessary.
  6. In order to submit your paper, click the 'File Select' button. There will appear a file selection dialog window. Please specify your manuscript (in a compressed archive file), and click the 'Send' button.
  7. With the notification that your file has been received, your submission has been completed.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

To respond to your inquiries smoothly, please choose 'keyword' in the contact information page.
Inquiry about the style file: Universal Academy Press []
General inquiry on proceedings:
LOC proceedings desk []
Last update: April 16, 2003

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