- Title
- Q: Can the paper title be modified from the title
of my talk ?
A: Yes,
you can. Especially, if you are a rapporteur speaker, please find a
good title for your paper.
- Format
- Q: Can we use the color figures ?
A: Yes, you can, however, the printed volume will be presented them
only in gray scale. Be careful not to use such expressions as
'plotted in red' in your captions.
- Q: I'd like to know what font size is required for proceedings.
Usually it is 11pt, but file icrc2003.tex has 12pt, which I think is too large.
A: We will reduce the contributions by 80% when they are printed.
So, font size will be appropriate as the conference proceedings.
- Q: In fact I need to use two-column style to insert the figures.
If you would like to use the figures in two-column, please refer to example
< Example >
\hspace{1pc} %%%%% space between two figures
- Q: I want to use the other Latex-package 'wrapfig'.
Am I allowed to include it at the style?
A: To use the LaTeX-package 'wrapfig' is strongly
discouraged by the reasons listed
(i) All papers of the contributors will be compiled as a total.
Separate compilation of your paper is impossible.
(ii) Page layout of your contribution would be disturbed because 'wrapfig'
does not support the figure-float.
It is difficult to reproduce the page layout of your contribution
completely in accordance with your intention again.
(iv) We are not sure how 'wrapfig' gives
influence upon other package software.
To respond to your inquiries smoothly, please choose 'keywords' in
the contact information page.
Inquiry about the style file: Universal Academy Press [icrc@uap.co.jp
General inquiry on proceedings: LOC proceedings desk
Last update: May 7, 2003
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