Japanese servers related to the Cosmic Ray Research
Please send e-mail to, if you want to put your servers on this web-page.

    Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo (ICRR)
    Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo
    Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University (STEL)
    Institute for Cosmic Ray Physics, Osaka City University
    Cosmic Radiation Group, RIKEN

    High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS)
    National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA)
    National Astronomical Observatory of Japan


Tohoku area


Tohoku University

Research Center for Neutrino Science


Yamagata University

Radiation Detection and Experimental Astrophysics Group

Kanto area


Utsunomiya University

Physics Group


Chiba University

Particle Physics Group


Saitama University

Inoue Group



Mizutani Group


University of Tokyo

Research Center for the Early Universe



Solar-Terrestrial Physics Group


Waseda University

Cosmic Radiation Physics and Space Science Group


Tokyo Institute of Technology

Kakimoto Group



Watanabe-Kawai Group


Shibaura Institute of Technology

Kasahara Group


Meisei University

Cosmic Ray Group


Tokai University

Nishijima Group


Yokohama National University

Shibata Group


Kanagawa University

Cosmic Ray Group

Chubu area


Yamanashi University

Cosmic Ray Group

Kinki area


Kyoto University

Cosmic Ray Group



Theoretical Astrophysics Group


Osaka City University

Ultra High Energy Group


Kinki University

High Energy Astroparticle Physics Group


Kobe University

Particle Physics Group


Konan University

Astro Particle Group

Chugoku area


Okayama University

Cosmic Ray Group


Hiroshima University

Astro Physics Group

Shikoku area


Kochi University

Cosmic Ray Group


Ehime University

Cosmic Ray Group

  other links
    Cosmic Ray Community (CRC)
    Physical Society of Japan (JPS)
    Astronomical Society of Japan (ASJ)
    Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
    Science Council of Japan
    Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS)
    University of Tokyo

Other links in the world
  International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
  Past ICRC list
  27th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Hamburg, Germany)
  26th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Salt Lake City, Utah, US)
  25th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Durban, Sauth Africa)

  Cosmic ray/Gamma ray/neutrino and similar experiments
  The Neutrino Oscillation Industry

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